Friday, April 16, 2010

My cousins and I

*These are my cousins and I we get to hang out so much more when I get to Utah and their names are Jayde and Kati and they are so much fun*


My sisters just left today with my dad and it feels so empty and sooooooo quiet because scince they are little and are girls they yell and fight and cry a lot so it is different for a change to have peace and no fighting and whining and definitly no more terrible 3's

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bye Bye Jeppesen's

My family and I are moving from Colorado to Utah ,we are so phsyched to get a chance to live by family members again.Try living 7 years with no family members with in the no 8 hour drive zone.And apperently the dog you see has already moved.We have sold her as a christmas present to a family,I felt sad and cried for days Baily was a sweet chocolate lab and was soooo hyped up to see people, that was half the problem she would run just to see a new face and learn a knew smell.My only dream is to see her again and the best thing is thing is my parents promised me a bigger house with an accual yard and they also promised that once we get a yard we will get another dog but by my rules it has to be another lab.My mom and I will be alone for a whole 2 months and for 4 weeks straight weeks we will be having an open house every saterday what a great way to get out of the house and get some entertainment.My 5 year old sister Brooklynn and my 3 year old sister Aydan are leaving on April 14,2010 and I sadly am finishing out the school year with the weight of drama carried on my shoulders I was mad to be hearing that we were staying untill June 11 and I do not want to look back at Liberty middle school for the drama drives me nuts at least I get to see my good friends.