Friday, July 2, 2010

disneyland dreams

can't get the sword I guess that I am not a king lol at is kind of obvious duh I am a girl.

beach boogie boarding

If you see the girl in the blue swimsuit that is about to catch a wave on her boogie board yeah that is me fine I will admit at this time of that day I did not know how to boogie board yet because I got the board at a swat meet the day before but don't worry I learned 10 minutes after this picture was taken and if you look farther into the picture you will see that Kati does not know either and Jayde is scared of jelly fish lol do not worry she got over that fear after she found out jelly fish are not pink they are in fact clear colored she thought that a jelly fish stung my foot but it was prickilly pink kelp she claims that since it was pink it was a jelly fish and was when she found out of course the kelp hurt when the prick ran against me ,but yes that is why she is standing out of the water by my dad.I was a pro at boogie boarding until I went to Hunnington beach and I went out where the dolphins were and a huge wave came and of course I can't touch the sandy ground we were in like 7 feet but I knew I would not make it just by looking at it and I was right the wave took us all under, Jayde,Kati, and I including my uncle Garrick and my dad I was at least under for a minute and it was hard to get back up where I could breath because my boogie board was right where my head was and just as I got up in time to yell to my uncle to grab me at about ten feet away another huge wave brought me under for another minute and I opened my eyes and noticed I was doing back flips in the water and I kicked and got up again and I could barely breath and my uncle came and got me and Kati ,Garrick ,and I walked back to shore and that go to shore are sometimes strong enouph to knock you down and it knocked us down and a seashell cut my leg and the rest of that day I was freezing cold and I will admit I was too chicken to go back out there and even at salona beach I just never want to go under again it scared me to death when I had air again it was sill hard to breath that was the scariest moment for me but I will still boogie board

Thursday, July 1, 2010

go to Hodads

The next day after we got to Cali we went to Hodads and waited in line outside for an hour no wonder the place was packed, the food was great but huge.The hamburger that I ordered was at least 5 inches tall maybe even bigger the burgers were so huge that my cousin
(the one pointing at the Hodads writing on the truck) had to make up a "heart touching" speach saying ," just get a lot of napkins this is gonna be messy"and,"when the bun falls off always replace it with a fry,so good" I have to say Kati thanks for the tip and the speach I will never forget that.Kati turned 11 on June 24 sorry kati that I could not be with you on your birthday because I was at disneyland, haha but that meant I had time to get you a present.

Las Vegas baby!

On the way to driving
straight to Cali my family stopped in las and went to the m and m factory

and the coca cola factory, we got to try coca cola from all around the world and I liked all but one, the one from Italy and just when we thought it would be the best we all tried it and my parents tell me so many times that alcahol is bad and gross and it tasted like it could be wine and looked like it to but the good thing is, is that it was not wine.

Friday, April 16, 2010

My cousins and I

*These are my cousins and I we get to hang out so much more when I get to Utah and their names are Jayde and Kati and they are so much fun*


My sisters just left today with my dad and it feels so empty and sooooooo quiet because scince they are little and are girls they yell and fight and cry a lot so it is different for a change to have peace and no fighting and whining and definitly no more terrible 3's

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bye Bye Jeppesen's

My family and I are moving from Colorado to Utah ,we are so phsyched to get a chance to live by family members again.Try living 7 years with no family members with in the no 8 hour drive zone.And apperently the dog you see has already moved.We have sold her as a christmas present to a family,I felt sad and cried for days Baily was a sweet chocolate lab and was soooo hyped up to see people, that was half the problem she would run just to see a new face and learn a knew smell.My only dream is to see her again and the best thing is thing is my parents promised me a bigger house with an accual yard and they also promised that once we get a yard we will get another dog but by my rules it has to be another lab.My mom and I will be alone for a whole 2 months and for 4 weeks straight weeks we will be having an open house every saterday what a great way to get out of the house and get some entertainment.My 5 year old sister Brooklynn and my 3 year old sister Aydan are leaving on April 14,2010 and I sadly am finishing out the school year with the weight of drama carried on my shoulders I was mad to be hearing that we were staying untill June 11 and I do not want to look back at Liberty middle school for the drama drives me nuts at least I get to see my good friends.